
Go goph

Go Goph 模块


go开发封装的 ssh client 模块


  • Easy to use and simple API.
  • Supports known hosts by default.
  • Supports connections with passwords.
  • Supports connections with private keys.
  • Supports connections with protected private keys with passphrase.
  • Supports upload files from local to remote.
  • Supports download files from remote to local.
  • Supports connections with ssh agent (Unix systems only).
  • Supports adding new hosts to known_hosts file.
  • Supports file system operations like: Open, Create, Chmod...
  • Supports context.Context for command cancellation.


go get


1)使用ssh 执行命令

package main

import (

func main() {

	// Start new ssh connection with private key.
	auth, err := goph.Key("/home/serialt/.ssh/id_rsa", "")
	if err != nil {

 	// goph.New 默认使用22端口,如果非22端口,则参考goph.New的实现
	client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)
	if err != nil {

	// Defer closing the network connection.
	defer client.Close()

	// Execute your command.
	out, err := client.Run("ls /tmp/")

	if err != nil {

	// Get your output as []byte.


auth, err := goph.Key("/home/serialt/.ssh/id_rsa", "you_passphrase_here")
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)


auth, err := goph.UseAgent()
if err != nil {
	// handle error

client, err := goph.New("root", "", auth)


// upload local file to remote 
err := client.Upload("/path/to/local/file", "/path/to/remote/file")

// download remote file to local
err := client.Download("/path/to/remote/file", "/path/to/local/file")


// execute bash commands
out, err := client.Run("bash -c 'printenv'")

// execute bash command whith timeout
context, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, time.Second)
defer cancel()
// will send SIGINT and return error after 1 second
out, err := client.RunContext(ctx, "sleep 5")

// execute bash command whith env variables
out, err := client.Run(`env MYVAR="MY VALUE" bash -c 'echo $MYVAR;'`)

6)使用goph cmd

Goph.Cmd struct is like the Go standard os/exec.Cmd.

// Get new `Goph.Cmd`
cmd, err := client.Command("ls", "-alh", "/tmp")

// or with context:
// cmd, err := client.CommandContext(ctx, "ls", "-alh", "/tmp")

if err != nil {
	// handle the error!

// You can set env vars, but the server must be configured to `AcceptEnv line`.
cmd.Env = []string{"MY_VAR=MYVALUE"}

// Run you command.
err = cmd.Run()

ust like os/exec.Cmd you can run CombinedOutput, Output, Start, Wait, and ssh.Session methods like Signal


sftp, err := client.NewSftp()

if err != nil {
	// handle the error!

file, err := sftp.Create("/tmp/remote_file")

file.Write([]byte(`Hello world`))

For more file operations see SFTP Docs.


package main

import (


// Run command and auth via password:
// > go run main.go --ip --pass --cmd ls
// Run command and auth via private key:
// > go run main.go --ip --cmd ls
// Or:
// > go run main.go --ip --key /path/to/private_key --cmd ls
// Run command and auth with private key and passphrase:
// > go run main.go --ip --passphrase --cmd ls
// Run a command and interrupt it after 1 second:
// > go run main.go --ip --cmd "sleep 10" --timeout=1s
// You can test with the interactive mode without passing --cmd flag.

var (
	err        error
	auth       goph.Auth
	client     *goph.Client
	addr       string
	user       string
	port       uint
	key        string
	cmd        string
	pass       bool
	passphrase bool
	timeout    time.Duration
	agent      bool
	sftpc      *sftp.Client

func init() {

	flag.StringVar(&addr, "ip", "", "machine ip address.")
	flag.StringVar(&user, "user", "root", "ssh user.")
	flag.UintVar(&port, "port", 22, "ssh port number.")
	flag.StringVar(&key, "key", strings.Join([]string{os.Getenv("HOME"), ".ssh", "id_rsa"}, "/"), "private key path.")
	flag.StringVar(&cmd, "cmd", "", "command to run.")
	flag.BoolVar(&pass, "pass", false, "ask for ssh password instead of private key.")
	flag.BoolVar(&agent, "agent", false, "use ssh agent for authentication (unix systems only).")
	flag.BoolVar(&passphrase, "passphrase", false, "ask for private key passphrase.")
	flag.DurationVar(&timeout, "timeout", 0, "interrupt a command with SIGINT after a given timeout (0 means no timeout)")

func VerifyHost(host string, remote net.Addr, key ssh.PublicKey) error {

	// If you want to connect to new hosts.
	// here your should check new connections public keys
	// if the key not trusted you shuld return an error

	// hostFound: is host in known hosts file.
	// err: error if key not in known hosts file OR host in known hosts file but key changed!
	hostFound, err := goph.CheckKnownHost(host, remote, key, "")

	// Host in known hosts but key mismatch!
	// Maybe because of MAN IN THE MIDDLE ATTACK!
	if hostFound && err != nil {

		return err

	// handshake because public key already exists.
	if hostFound && err == nil {

		return nil

	// Ask user to check if he trust the host public key.
	if askIsHostTrusted(host, key) == false {

		// Make sure to return error on non trusted keys.
		return errors.New("you typed no, aborted!")

	// Add the new host to known hosts file.
	return goph.AddKnownHost(host, remote, key, "")

func main() {


	var err error

	if agent || goph.HasAgent() {

		auth, err = goph.UseAgent()

	} else if pass {

		auth = goph.Password(askPass("Enter SSH Password: "))

	} else {

		auth, err = goph.Key(key, getPassphrase(passphrase))

	if err != nil {

	client, err = goph.NewConn(&goph.Config{
		User:     user,
		Addr:     addr,
		Port:     port,
		Auth:     auth,
		Callback: VerifyHost,

	if err != nil {

	// Close client net connection
	defer client.Close()

	// If the cmd flag exists
	if cmd != "" {
		ctx := context.Background()
		// create a context with timeout, if supplied in the argumetns
		if timeout > 0 {
			var cancel context.CancelFunc
			ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(ctx, timeout)
			defer cancel()

		out, err := client.RunContext(ctx, cmd)

		fmt.Println(string(out), err)

	// else open interactive mode.

func askPass(msg string) string {


	pass, err := terminal.ReadPassword(0)

	if err != nil {


	return strings.TrimSpace(string(pass))

func getPassphrase(ask bool) string {

	if ask {

		return askPass("Enter Private Key Passphrase: ")

	return ""

func askIsHostTrusted(host string, key ssh.PublicKey) bool {

	reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)

	fmt.Printf("Unknown Host: %s \nFingerprint: %s \n", host, ssh.FingerprintSHA256(key))
	fmt.Print("Would you like to add it? type yes or no: ")

	a, err := reader.ReadString('\n')

	if err != nil {

	return strings.ToLower(strings.TrimSpace(a)) == "yes"

func getSftp(client *goph.Client) *sftp.Client {

	var err error

	if sftpc == nil {

		sftpc, err = client.NewSftp()

		if err != nil {

	return sftpc

func playWithSSHJustForTestingThisProgram(client *goph.Client) {

	fmt.Println("Welcome To Goph :D")
	fmt.Printf("Connected to %s\n", client.Config.Addr)
	fmt.Println("Type your shell command and enter.")
	fmt.Println("To download file from remote type: download remote/path local/path")
	fmt.Println("To upload file to remote type: upload local/path remote/path")
	fmt.Println("To create a remote dir type: mkdirall /path/to/remote/newdir")
	fmt.Println("To exit type: exit")

	scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)

	fmt.Print("> ")

	var (
		out   []byte
		err   error
		cmd   string
		parts []string

	for scanner.Scan() {

		err = nil
		cmd = scanner.Text()
		parts = strings.Split(cmd, " ")

		if len(parts) < 1 {

		switch parts[0] {

		case "exit":
			fmt.Println("goph bye!")
			break loop

		case "download":

			if len(parts) != 3 {
				fmt.Println("please type valid download command!")
				continue loop

			err = client.Download(parts[1], parts[2])

			fmt.Println("download err: ", err)

		case "upload":

			if len(parts) != 3 {
				fmt.Println("please type valid upload command!")
				continue loop

			err = client.Upload(parts[1], parts[2])

			fmt.Println("upload err: ", err)

		case "mkdirall":

			if len(parts) != 2 {
				fmt.Println("please type valid mkdirall command!")
				continue loop

			ftp := getSftp(client)

			err = ftp.MkdirAll(parts[1])
			fmt.Printf("mkdirall err(%v) you can check via: stat %s\n", err, parts[1])


			command, err := client.Command(parts[0], parts[1:]...)
			if err != nil {
			out, err = command.CombinedOutput()
			fmt.Println(string(out), err)

		fmt.Print("> ")